Educational Activities with A Child 1 Year


Educational Activities with A Child 1 Year

It seems that only recently occurred in his arm a whole dot. Now, your son is celebrating his first birthday. Now you need exciting entertainment. Do you want to bring an average day of fun and opportunity? Learn all about playing with 1 year old children.

be sure to entertain your child a new designer. This is a great version of the toy for older children. Optionally select a set of complex parts. Crumb is good conventional cubes, which vary in color and size. In a short time, and our children are interested in construction. These are the time with children 1 year to help develop the engineering- and creative ideas. Be sure to pay attention to the chips on a variety of colors.


you are cheating


Pyramid - the most favorite toy for most children. Teach your child to wear a ring holder. This game develops movement control. Also, children begin to distinguish rings in size and color. Some mothers complain that the children can not learn this uncomplicated. But, as patience and perseverance, then all you get.

Class for children from one year to the development of fine motor skills The nerve endings of the regulation of the fingers, in the immediate area of ​​the center of the cerebral cortex. That is why any finger contributes to the fact that children are too early to say. You can make massage the palms and fingers, diluting mechanical thought nursery rhymes and songs.


Now give your child the first task. Excellent entertainment will be playing with beads. They can be poured in a plastic bottle, and then try to get it. However, do not leave your child alone with small objects, as you can move them.


Usually complicate time with children 1 year. For example, you can offer your baby push through holes in the colander thin spaghetti or other items. For the development of skill, you can also bead on a string.


Among the popular kids played with dough. Plasticine for these pots will not work because of the risk of eating it. But the most common flour that can be mixed or bought in the store, will be an excellent material for creative work. Little fingers will roll the balls to make pancakes or sculpt animals. All these games are very interesting.


Class with a child 1 year on the development of speech


Always communicate with your children. This will help you to fill up your vocabulary. Pronounces words clearly and loudly. Younger kids openly somewhat talkative and say them wrong. It is quite normal for the pot of the year, but do not duplicate pronunciation crumbs, otherwise your words for a long time will not be correct.


Use any material for new vocabulary learning. Well suited for the following purposes of the book. Children listen to associate words with pictures and try to write the first proposals.


Well, if you are walking on the street, try speaking the names of all the things that surround you. You also have a great opportunity to explore things done by different animals. Do not be afraid that your child will touch the grass, flower or ground. It can sometimes break handles, and tactile sensations play an important role in children's development.


Educational Activities with A Child 1 Year Educational Activities with A Child 1 Year Reviewed by Online earning on December 16, 2021 Rating: 5

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