Lacrimal Newborn Massage Channels At Home
Where a baby brings a fireworks early unfamiliar sensations
of unrestrained happiness and strong tenderness. But at the same time come and
breathe, experience. One problem is dacryocystitis or otherwise delay of
plaintive channels in children. How does the pathology notice and help the
Nature well plans embryonic nucleation development and its
appearance in light. Inside the lacrimal incision is blocked with a special
thin film. It is important to protect the eyes from infection, which can be
accessed from lizards. When the place where the children first breathe or
scream breaks the film. And the eyes begin to function normally. But it so
happened that the film remains. In this case, doctors say that the closed
lacrimal channels are fine. Massage in such situations is the most effective
way to remedy problems. In addition, dacryocystitis may develop after a birth
as a result of injuries, chronic diseases of the nose. Also lacrimal channels can
not function due to the improper structure of the skull bone. But in some
cases, the massage will be too weak.
Clinical imaging of plaintive channels is very similar to
conjunctivitis. Therefore, doctors often prescribe from the first treatment for
the disease. And only when it does not work, consider the options with delay.
Baby fester eyes, eyelashes stick together. It seems that our little eyes are
always on tears. In such cases, little fat boys need help. Massage lacrimal canals
infants should be started as soon as it becomes clear that the drugs do not
help improve the condition. With it, the film will break and stop glazik
The first stage of massages - preparations. It is important
to clean the face. You will need a cotton swab, tablets "furatsilina"
or brewed chamomile. simple process. To begin, brew chamomile or dissolve the
capsule in warm boiled water. Moisten the swab should be gently tapping the
glazik towards the nose. Keep following simple thinking until you will remove
all pus. You can then perform physical procedures. How to massage the lacrimal
canals of infants with their hands, tell ophthalmologists. Since manipulation
is performed 5-7 times a day, mothers with children need to go to the hospital
if parents want to transfer this work to an experienced doctor.
The most convenient way to massage the index finger
manually. First you need to find a seal at the base of the optical body and put
your finger on the bottom. Often bought phalanges from the nose to glazik. You
can get a little bit of pus. This point is very important, ie. A. Allows you to
clear the lacrimal incision. Then change the procedure and from the base of the
face by swiping your finger along the bottom of the spout. Help you visualize
how to massage the lacrimal canals pot, photo. One of them is presented below.
Finger movements should be directed downward nose. It is so
located inside the lacrimal horn. Slightly down along the walls of the outer
body respiration, it connects with the nasal passages. Diagnosis is made by an
ophthalmologist after the lacrimal canals are found in the forearm. Massage is
isolated in the first place. Ask him a few times to add recipes. Try it
yourself to move under your supervision. Do not hesitate to take an interest in
all the nuances. It is very important to carry out all right. Then massage is
effective love, and you will be able to avoid sounding plaintive channels. The
main thing is not to rush, and remember that to achieve a positive result is
quite difficult. It takes patience.
Massage of the lacrimal channels secretly is necessary to
remove the plenochku inside. But in order to fully understand how to perform
this procedure, you need to know some facts about the structure of the face and
the functions of its components. Thus, the lacrimal horn comes from the visual
system base. It passes down the walls of the nose and connects inside its
holes. Eyes always moisturized and washed with tears. Having our visual system,
tearing eyes with clay sloznomu channel. But having no muscle, it all adds up.
massage-exercise - not only to take a film, but also to facilitate the baby's
condition, until it happens.
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