Babies Need For The First Month Of Life For Developmental Writers
Many mothers after giving birth do not know what to do with it. But when the Crumb takes home everything should be prepared for it. Therefore, women have since pregnancy tried to figure out what the baby needs for the first month of life. From what things will change your child depends on its development and state of health. Despite the established opinion that children are very expensive, at an early age you need a little bit.
child prostitute most of the time. So the main thing - to give him a place to sleep. The cradle or baby should always be of good quality and made of natural materials. Mattress bought hard, filled with seaweed or coconut fiber. Baby pillow is not needed, or it may be a curvature of the spine. Try to gently straighten the sheet to the children did not prevent wrinkles. The blanket should be easy and not very hot, it is best wool or flannel. Linens need to change babies every few days or during trash. If the baby needs for the first month of life of clothes? In recent years, it is not recommended to swaddle the pot. The baby must be free to lift the arms and legs, so wear it in my spare clothes. Yet you need undershirts, diapers and sliders. Enough pipsqueak not scratched currently face, close handle special mittens. Baby can not regulate their body temperature, so make sure it was neither hot nor cold. Avoid drafts and do not overheat your baby. On the head, it is desirable to put on your hat.
Babies at the beginning of life are very sensitive to external influences. Parents are very important to choose the means of care. What do babies need for the first month of life? Clothing and all items that relate to children, must be made of natural materials. About the choice of baby cosmetics should be treated carefully, because many creams and soaps cause irritation to the skin. It is recommended not to wash the baby soap for a month, and a decoction of herbs to use in the bath and a weak solution of potassium permanganate. For the prevention of prickly heat and diaper rash this baby diaper of and how often you can put naked.What does a baby need for months yet? Now it is not recommended to teach kids to breastfeed and bottle, because the best food for them is breast milk. But some drugs at home should be necessary. Zelyonka and iodine, potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide, wadding and bandage and scissors with rounded ends for trimming marigold baby.
A few hours a day a baby is awake. And it is important at this time not only give him, and engaged in its development. From what you hear at an early age, depending on the capabilities of new information learning in the future. Which toys are needed for children in the first month of life? Baby is trying to focus on the brightest things. You do not have to buy anything expensive. A few rattles will be enough. Also comes with a mop or large hanging light that will swing on the crib.
The prospective parent should be aware of the advancement that the child needs for the first month of life, when to bring his students from the hospital, all attention paid to him alone.
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