Taking Care of you & Your Baby during the pregnancy by doing massage


  Taking Care of you & Your Baby during the pregnancy by doing massage

This sweet word is a massage. There are few people in the world who do not want such a peaceful process now. Even the happiest ones are running, pulling and kicking women. The benefits of massage are known especially in ancient Egypt, China, Japan and India. In these countries, massage is often used to change the condition of pregnant women.


And yet, pregnant women often wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant by massage? If so, what kind of massage can I use? After all, one thing - just a massage, another thing, if at this time you carry the most precious burden to your heart.


So - massage to pregnant women is not meaningful. And even vice versa, many doctors are urging women not to abandon this treatment regimen. Of course, you need to be careful. And in general, it is desirable that massage for pregnant women be done by someone who knows.


You need a professional massage by your doctor-gynecologist. Then, in addition to the general recommendations to massage may be individual, not related to pregnancy.General exposure to massage during pregnancy in the first three days of pregnancy. During this time, when exposed to points on the body, many unwanted reactions do not occur, until the end of pregnancy. In the following areas: coccyx, sacrum, heel, Achilles tendon, base of thumb on arm. Massage in the early stages of pregnancy is not the best thing.


In the first three months of pregnancy, it is best to focus on self-massage: small scars made by the woman or her partners. This massage treatment relaxes, relieves tension, tightens muscles.


How to massage for pregnant women?

In general, any massage and at any time of pregnancy should be light and gentle, with the extensions of the hands. The main areas recommended from pregnant massage - back, neck, shoulders, arms and legs.


Massage of the back, neck and side shoulders reduces the load on the spine, which in turn leads to increases in abdominal and abdominal weight.The massage of the extremities improves blood circulation, function of systems and organs by pressing points active biologically.


All massage transfers need to be done without pressure, without the use of force, with the hands. All attention should be slow and rhythmic. Attention should be made without pressing, do not make strokes, and press with only fingers.


The abdominal area is not under massage. You may have a miscarriage, and it is best done by a pregnant woman. For proximity during the massage, you can put a pillow in your legs and under the belly. We massage in a chair or position lying on the side. A session should not take more than 30-45 minutes.

Taking Care of you & Your Baby during the pregnancy by doing massage   Taking Care of you & Your Baby during the pregnancy by doing massage Reviewed by Online earning on December 16, 2021 Rating: 5

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