How To Treat Eczema On Your Feet


 How To Treat Eczema On Your Feet

Eczema is a common disease that often occurs in young children. This disease today is diagnosed in 40% of people who complain of skin disease. It is characterized by inflammation of the body due to the action of internal and external stimuli. If the disease has not acquired a chronic form, it needs time to carry out the treatment of eczema. On the feet or hands, as well as in other parts of the body, the disease requires urgent referral to a doctor.


There are signs of eczema, which may indicate the disease:

Beginning stage - Red skin, swelling and blister formation. Feeling of constant itching;

an intermediate stage - an increase of bubbles and their subsequent dissection;

final stage - crying skin with the formation of pustules.

After the termination of the inflammatory processes the coated and drying takes place in the crust of the skin. During the course of the disease at the same time on the affected areas of the body can observe various stages of eczema. Photo transmits an overall picture of the disease, which shows that there are bubbles on the skin, scaly and dry areas.

Treatment of eczema on your legs by traditional method


When the symptoms of the disease should consult a doctor - a dermatologist or allergist. Treatment of eczema on your feet is carried out by the following remedies:


drugs to strengthen the body - of vitamins;



anti - in the case of pus.

When complications of the disease is necessary to reduce the treatment water. Incidentally pus is a serious exacerbation, in which the skin is covered with bubbles continuously itching. Fever can occur, and the general condition of the patient occurs.


Treatment of eczema on your legs is successful with proper nutrition. It is important to exclude from the patient's diet citrus fruits, smoked and spicy food, sweets and fizzy drinks.


Treatment of eczema on your legs folk remedies


Often, to improve the conditions that patients are advised to use:


tincture of yarrow herb;

series decoctions of bath and celandine;

soot formed after the burning of the newspaper;

covered with cream of affected area;

compresses milled pearl barley and honey (in ratio 1: 1);

lotions of a decoction of walnut leaves;

ingestion of infusions received herbs: burdock root, dandelion, st. John's wort.

Treatment of eczema on your feet with the help of public funds is not a guarantee of cure and can lead to complications. Therefore, before reaching them need to get a doctor for advice.

disease prevention


To prevent the disease should follow the recommendations of doctors:



not in prolonged contact with allergens;

avoid overheating or physical overcooling;

enter in your daily dairy products and vegetable origin;

the intake of alcoholic beverages.

In order to consolidate the results of treatment should follow preventive measures. It is advisable to avoid stressful situations and emotional stress, and try to live a normal life.

How To Treat Eczema On Your Feet  How To Treat Eczema On Your Feet Reviewed by Online earning on December 16, 2021 Rating: 5

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