A Moment of Illness With a 3-4 Year Old Child


A Moment of Illness With a 3-4 Year Old Child

Children with 3-4years defects significantly increased in recent years. Even a decade ago, the pictures were different. The most common problems - are burr, destruction, and replacing or skipping those that are difficult to pronounce. These types of defects are considered mild and are terlatsiya components. They are relatively easy to adjust in the face with a therapeutic issue.


But there are more sophisticated versions of speech disorders. The reason lies in their central nervous system lesions, in which there are problems with the normal functioning of the tongue, or the entire lower jaw. Such defects are corrected very, very hard. At the same time, that religious and whistling sounds, the child sticks out his tongue between his teeth, why instead of whistling sounds it out of "f" ("mafyna" - instead of "machine"). It is very common and incorrect pronunciation of an "p" (guttural or its absence). As a rule, start a temporary therapy with a child 3-4 years, sometimes earlier.


Complex defects occur for a variety of reasons - such as mother disease during pregnancy, birth injuries or fetal hypoxia. If as a child subsequently goes a risk, the results may be poorly compensated with damage to the nerve endings and, as a result, defects.

Some reasons are overbite, and the source of the disorders (eg, throat "p") can become even an imitation of children to someone from adults, who also distorts it. In addition, children can identify and characters of modern cartoons, very harmful to development.

 Illiteracy is directly dependent on mispronunciation. That is why the parents of every preschooler should take care of the issue of defects of their children corrected in time. Problems can lie in the inability of parents to see in children the stigma. It is believed that any baby burrs, and it will do by itself.


But more often than not a regular time with a therapeutic word can not do. If eighteen months the child is not able to make up a sentence from each word, or we have a two-year child practically no reference to a therapist is likely to be asked for. term therapy Parental expertise is conducted in advance, taking into account children's dynamic development.

 All therapists work individually. A project is a single thing, it usually occurs within a few moments. If there are significant differences in development, attend therapy period is much longer.


It happens that the cause of the hardness is too tight frenulum language, and at the same time organic lesions. And at home you should do with your children on stretching exercises. Learning from a therapist can help you in this.


Often, the family decides to talk a lot with the children. Since you can communicate to lisp "child's" language. Or it becomes evidence for family scandals. In all cases, as a rule, speech development is inhibited.


extremely important favorable domestic environment for the normal formation of language skills. With a toddler always need to talk - while playing or walking, for a meal and before bedtime. Be sure to memorize poems and read aloud to students.

 If you recorded that even minor offenses 3-4years in a boy or girl, do not cut yourself off from the problem. It is possible to organize exercise therapy at home, the benefit of specialized literature are now a dime a dozen. For example, you can arrange a game with a special humming songs. And only when the occupation company does not give the desired effect, you should think about using a special.


Parents are often eager to give their children not in a regular kindergarten, but in therapy. Some people believe that the situation is wanting to solve problems. Is it so important to get there? If so, at what age? Do you really take advantage of your child's disability in kindergarten?


As a general rule, for children under the age of 3-4 years in the hands of experts is not effective. With the less can successfully engage parents, then they with a therapeutic issue. He said a series of action and special exercises. A term therapy with a 3-4 year old child is already strong which provides lasting effect. Arsenal parent communication with children is enormous. This constant correct and active verbal communication with children, finger gymnastics, a multitude of sound games, carpal massage, special exercises designed to develop fine motor skills, painting, games and so on.


Most often, defects of the infant's speech that are not likely in the age of 3-4, are classified as useful. If up to four years the self-correction of the issue does not happen, you can turn to a specialist. At this point, the initial language skills a child must have already mastered. And that's when it makes sense to give kids in kindergarten therapy.


The advantage of the latter is that it saves time and money of the parents in the face with a special privacy. In public kindergartens, there are free speech therapy classes. If the benefits of using groups for a long time are not found, most likely, you will need the services of a therapist, discuss pathologists for the purposes of general language development.

 Try to communicate with your children all learn the fun of childhood language, which is often affected moms and even grandmothers. As mentioned above, communication in a "twisted" way impedes the development of a normal child's speech.


But even if everything they say is right in the family, and the problems, however, are not in a hurry to get inside. Setting a time therapy with a child 3-4 years in the house is not too difficult. And the main thing here - sensitivity to children's voices and careful monitoring of any changes.

Typically, the vocabulary of a two-three year old child is about a thousand words. Four-year-olds should be able to tell something or describe using prepositions and various parts of speech, to write a simple text. But your resources application may not be enough trained, making pure phonemic pronunciation complex custom does not work.


Well, if you have 5-6 years in the matter of impediments here, this is a very important reason to consider. These simple exercises related to articulation exercises, will help parents in the home to get results.


Stretching for the tongue-tie for 5 or 10 minutes each day should do the following. It is important to ask the child who dreamed up in the area of ​​the tongue, to invite him to attack you on the teeth like a horse, open his mouth wide and try to reach the tongue of the upper teeth.


Everyone knows that the areas of the brain responsible for fine motor skills and language development are interrelated. That is, the more deftly controlling toddler's hands and fingers, the less of a problem in his speech.


There are simple exercises for term therapy, training say sibilant sounds ("s", "z"), as well as sizzling ("g", "sh", "h" and "w"). In addition, part of the problem with the sounds "p" and "k", but it can be fixed independently at home. Catching up, children need to be planted by placing it in front of a mirror for self-control. Home therapy class "P" will be able to "save" not always, this thing is considered one of the most difficult and usually requires the intervention of a specialist.


Defects may appear in older adults - because of serious surgery, trauma, or severe emotional distress. Those can be the loss or death of a loved one, divorce, serious financial stress. There are defects and when the injured main body is associated with 3-4years - tongue, teeth, lips, ligament and vocal cords, as well as the palate. This occurs when there is damage to the center, located in the cerebral cortex and is responsible for our resources. Even chronic emotional distress can cause problems.


Under normal words refers to the pronunciation of all distinct and clearly, without exception, the language of the letters. This question is bound to be rhythmic and smooth. If the speaker's words are difficult to read, it certainly is a violation. Adults and children with speech disorders characterized by the same type of speech disorders. These include numbness, stuttering, lisping, lack of correct pronunciation of individual objects, and more.


The most common ones are:


Athos. This term refers to damaged phonation (ie wrong 3-4years). Aphony develops (or dysphonia) as a result of changes in the speech organs, bearing pathological.

Dyslalia called phonetic speech defect or adult child with hearing impairment and speech impairment.

Stuttering - a type of bleeding, which occurs in cases of convulsive muscle information related to the vocal cords. It finds a violation of the rate of speech, its rhythm and regularity.

Another disorder manifesting itself is abnormally slow speech rate, called bradilaliey.

The opposite for him (when people talk too fast) - tachyphasia.


The causes of these twenty-three can be various factors. This includes abnormalities such as palate or upper lip, abnormal occlusion, deformed lips or teeth. Depression is often caused by letters of the respiratory tract and central nervous system. Hard can be both permanent and temporary nature.


Even small children of each of them have such a phenomenon occur strictly individual, as the development of wealth. Periodic therapy is conducted in each kindergarten - not just specialized.


If your child is referred for class therapy, should not be abandoned - no harm, they will not bring children and the benefits will be unquestionable. For children 3-4 years of class therapy there are two types - individual or group. Our one-on-one classes with an expert (individual) are the most effective. In turn, called a group, baby feels more comfortable and relaxed.

A Moment of Illness With a 3-4 Year Old Child A Moment of Illness With a 3-4 Year Old Child Reviewed by Online earning on December 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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