Pedestrian Memo: What Every Child Should Know


Pedestrian Memo: What Every Child Should Know

The bodies of any community should be aware of the legal issues and sit by them. This is especially true of those who live in the big city, because there is quite a lively thought. Road Merit - the topic is no less about than arithmetic or analysis. Memo river pedestrian will help children navigate the world of drivers and pedestrians. Its rules protect you from dangers on the road and unpleasant events.


The rules of behavior on the road are quite simple, but they need to know clearly and surely respect. Then people will be safe and will not suffer as a result of negligence or a ridiculous accident.


The main rules of the notes:

Pedestrians could not walk on the road, they had to live alone on the sidewalk. Roadway is intended for transportation.

If there is no sidewalk, you must move along the edge of the roadway. To avoid an accident should be kept to the left side of the road. When a person goes to meet a husband, he has the ability to always see him and step aside when the need arises.

Memo river pedestrian teaches children that before crossing the road, a person is forced to take care of its own safety and to look left and right. If the vehicle is moving rapidly, or close, it is important to lose.

Waiting for a bus or a minibus should be the only special area, that is, at the bus stop. If they are not, you must stand on the side of the road or sidewalk.

In no case can not run across the road. The sudden appearance of a pedestrian, drivers can not find their way in time, and there will be an accident. So it is better to take the roadway action.

If the stop is a bus or other vehicle, you have to get behind it to see the other vehicles. Before crossing the road, you need to make sure that in the immediate vicinity there is a pedestrian crossing.

Carriageway children can ride a bike only after they reach 14 years of age, and with outboard engine - 16 years.

Memo young pedestrians and passengers said that when you get out of the car you can not immediately run out to the road. First of all, make sure that there are no cars. The cross at the road should be near the crosswalk.

In cases where the approaching vehicle, with the blue flashing lights and a special sound signal, pedestrians should skip them and not to run across the road. You must give way to lift position and clear the roadway.


A pedestrian is considered to be a person who is walking. It is forbidden to walk by on the roadway and go towards vehicles. You need to move on the sidewalk or, if it is not on the edge of the road. And then be able to notice a pedestrian car, and the drivers will see it.



Memo river pedestrian says that for crossing the street, there are special places. They are marked by road signs and work markings on the road, which is called "zebra". If none are available, you may cross the road at intersections of line of sidewalks or roadsides.


In no case can not cross the road if there is no confidence in complete safety. You must stop at the edge of the roadway and assess the conditions on the left, and - on the right. If no thought, you can cross the road in the right corner. It is better to do it in places where the roadway is easily visible.


Young pedestrian reminder for kids teach kids how to use light traffic. When the red light, cross the road you can not, you need to ignore the vehicles. Yellow light means you need to prepare and green - you can cross the road. In any case not worth the risk and move down the road in a red light, even if you are not close to the thought.

But even when the lights turn green, you can not run out sharply on the sidewalk. First you need to make sure the roadway is free.



Parents are obliged to explain to children that the ideas are very dangerous. Drivers can stop vehicles immediately, so it is not necessary to cross the road in the last moment. Conditions would be much safer if pedestrians and drivers would see each other from a distance.Memo pedestrian youth is proof of the limits of the rules - to anticipate danger. You must always be very careful, even if the plot seems quite harmless. Sometimes cars appear in those most unexpected places, and drivers can not always react in a timely manner, you see a man.


Answers to all questions related to road traffic, which can occur in a child, for a reminder of the pedestrian. "Remember that roads are fraught with many dangers!" - having a parent needs to teach the child.

Pedestrian Memo: What Every Child Should Know Pedestrian Memo: What Every Child Should Know Reviewed by Online earning on December 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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